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Image by micheile henderson

Indexed Universal Life

Wealth building through life insurance

Cash value growth linked to the S&P 500*

How do you want to connect?*

Approved Partners that offer Indexed Universal Life Insurance

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How it works?
(Illustrated Example)

Monthly Premium

Life Insurance

Cash Value

  • 6-15% growth linked to the S&P 500 and or other markets*​


  • Cant lose in down market with a 0% Floor*​


  • No Tax on accumulation or gain in the account *

  • (Tax code 72e, 7702, 101a)​


  • "Be Your Own Bank" Concept. The ability to borrow against your cash value as low as 2%*

1. Lifetime Coverage


2. Level Premium


3. Living Benefits for terminal, critical, and chronic illness

IUL Basics

Compounding Interest

0% Floor

Tax Benefits


Want to know more about how an IUL works?

Our network of 80+ licensed agents can provide expert advice in finding the perfect insurance policy for you.
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IUL (Indexed Universal Life) benefits:

1. **Investment Growth Disclaimer:**

"Growth rates of 6-15% linked to the S&P 500 and/or other markets* are based on historical performance and market conditions, and are not guaranteed. Actual returns may vary."​

2. **Downside Protection Disclaimer:**

"Protection against losses in a down market with a 0% Floor* is subject to policy terms and conditions. It does not eliminate the risk of market fluctuations."​

3. **Tax Disclaimer:**

"No Tax on accumulation or gain in the account* is based on current interpretations of tax law under sections 72e, 7702, and 101a. Tax laws are subject to change and individual circumstances may vary."

4. **"Be Your Own Bank" Disclaimer:** ​

"The 'Be Your Own Bank' concept allows borrowing against cash value at rates as low as 2%*, subject to policy terms and conditions."​

5. **General Disclaimer:**

"Insurance products, including Indexed Universal Life (IUL), involve fees, risks, and potential surrender charges. Policy benefits, features, and rates may vary by insurer and state. Consult your financial advisor or tax professional regarding your specific situation."

These disclosures should help provide transparency and clarity to visitors about the benefits and potential risks associated with the IUL product you are offering. Always ensure these disclosures comply with legal and regulatory requirements applicable to insurance and financial services in your jurisdiction.

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